class: title-slide # cmake.remark API Reference ## `` Mateusz Pusz September 27, 2018 --- # `add_remark_engine()` ```cmake # add_remark_engine(TargetName # ENGINE file # HTML_TEMPLATE # [RESOURCES resource...]) ``` - Defines a _remark engine_ - `ENGINE` - path to a `remark.js` engine - `HTML_TEMPLATE` - default HTML template to be used for slides generation - `RESOURCES` - various dependencies used by your slide deck template (scripts, images, etc) --- # `add_remark_engine()` example ```cmake add_remark_engine(default_engine ENGINE scripts/remark-latest.min.js HTML_TEMPLATE RESOURCES favicon.ico scripts/jquery.min.js scripts/laser_ptr.js ) ``` --- # `add_remark_style()` ```cmake # add_remark_style(TargetName # DEPENDS engine_or_parent_style # [HTML_TEMPLATE] # [BASE_DIR dir] # SOURCES src1 [src2...] # [RESOURCES resource...]) ``` - Defines _presentation style and slide layout_ - Hierarchical approach - `DEPENDS` - name of a target created with `add_remark_engine()` or `add_remark_style()` - `HTML_TEMPLATE` - style can overwrite a default HTML template defined by the engine - `BASE_DIR` - subdirectory to prepend to every `SOURCE` and `RESOURCE` - `SOURCES` - CSS files to use for the style - `RESOURCES` - additional files used by the style (images, fonts, etc) --- # `add_remark_style()` example ```cmake add_remark_style(remark-style-base DEPENDS default_engine SOURCES css/base.css ) ``` ```cmake add_remark_style(remark-style-default DEPENDS remark-style-base SOURCES css/default.css css/default_colors.css ) ``` --- # `add_remark_language()` ```cmake # add_remark_language(TargetName # [BASE_DIR dir] # SOURCES src1 [src2...]) ``` - Defines/Overwrites _highlighting_ for specific language - `BASE_DIR` - subdirectory to prepend to every `SOURCE` - `SOURCES` - JavaScript files with highlighting definition --- # `add_remark_language()` example ```cmake add_remark_language(remark-language-cmake SOURCES scripts/cmake.language.js ) ``` --- # `add_remark_slides()` ```cmake # add_remark_slides(TargetName [ALL] [HANDOUTS] # NAME name # [TITLE title] # STYLE style # [HTML_TEMPLATE] # [STYLE_TEMPLATE] # [SCRIPT java_script] # [CHAPTERS chapter...] # [MARKDOWN_SLIDES] # [LANGUAGES language...]) # [RESOURCES resource...]) ``` - Defines _one presentation_ --- # `add_remark_slides()` - `ALL` - defines that the CMake target should be built by default - `HANDOUTS` - generates presentation handouts (no animations, some slides can be excluded) - `NAME` - name of the output directory and HTML file - `TITLE` - title visible in a tab browser - `STYLE` - name of a style target created with `add_remark_style()` - `HTML_TEMPLATE` - each presentation can overwrite a default HTML template - `STYLE_TEMPLATE` - presentation specific customization of `STYLE` - `SCRIPT` - custom JavaScript to be used with that presentation - `CHAPTERS` - names of chapter targets created with `add_remark_chapter()` - `MARKDOWN_SLIDES` - markdown files to aggregate in a presenation (if chapters are not used) - `LANGUAGES` - name of language target created with `add_remark_language()` - `RESOURCES` - resources used by the presentation (i.e. images) --- # `add_remark_slides()` example ```cmake add_remark_slides(example_presentation ALL NAME "Slides_about_CMake_with_CMake" TITLE "How to create slides about CMake with CMake?" STYLE remark-style-default STYLE_TEMPLATE MARKDOWN_SLIDES LANGUAGES remark-language-cmake RESOURCES img/questions.jpg img/train-it.png img/warning.png ) ``` --- # `add_remark_chapter()` ```cmake # add_remark_chapter(TargetName # [BASE_DIR dir] # MARKDOWN_SLIDES [] # [RESOURCES resource...]) ``` - `BASE_DIR` - subdirectory to prepend to every `MARKDOWN_SLIDE` and `RESOURCE` - `MARKDOWN_SLIDES` - markdown files to be aggregated into a presentation chapter - `RESOURCES` - resources used by the presentation chapter (i.e. images) --- class: small-code # `add_remark_chapter()` example .left-column[ ```cmake set(TRAINING_NAME "api_reference") add_remark_chapter(${TRAINING_NAME}_chapter_title BASE_DIR "1 - Title" MARKDOWN_SLIDES ) add_remark_chapter(${TRAINING_NAME}_chapter_api BASE_DIR "2 - API Reference" MARKDOWN_SLIDES ) add_remark_chapter(${TRAINING_NAME}_chapter_end BASE_DIR "3 - End" MARKDOWN_SLIDES RESOURCES img/warning.png ) ``` ] -- .right-column[ ```cmake add_remark_slides(${TRAINING_NAME} ALL HANDOUTS NAME ${TRAINING_NAME} TITLE "cmake.remark API Reference" STYLE remark-style-default STYLE_TEMPLATE LANGUAGES remark-language-cmake * CHAPTERS * ${TRAINING_NAME}_chapter_title * ${TRAINING_NAME}_chapter_api * ${TRAINING_NAME}_chapter_end ) ``` ] --- class: small-code # Handouts generation .left-column[ ## Original ```markdown # Slide with animation This part -- and this part -- will not generate separate slides in handouts --- exclude: handouts # Slide that should not be included in handouts This slide wil not be included in handouts --- # Next slide ``` ] .right-column[ ## Handouts ```markdown # Slide with animation This part and this part will not generate separate slides in handouts --- # Next slide ``` - Handouts generator removes - all `--` animation breaks - whole slides with `exclude: handouts` - Useful for PDF files generation ] --- # More info? .info[ **** ] - **`remark.cmake`** script - Source of _that presentation_ - Presentation with _API Reference_ - Example _style and layout_ - Simple JavaScript scripts (i.e. _laser_) - Custom _highlighting for CMake_ language --- class: section-title-slide background-image: url(img/warning.png)